Taking an active role in your self care is vital to your healing and recovery. This allows you to continue to perform myofascial release technqiues at home. We are often asked what tools are the best for self care, so we have put togther a list of our most recommended tools. In addition to a releaser ball , there are some great tools out there that can be very helpful in targeting different places on the body. We have provided a link to the tools to make it easier for you. Performing these technqiues and using the tools should always be done as recommended by your therapist.
Disclosure: We independently review and try everything we recommend. When you buy through our links, we may earn a commission. We have set up the following links as affiliate programs through Amazon and a few other independent companies who offer these affiliate programs.
Soft foam roll
Sacrowedgy (female)
Sacrowedgy (Male)
Thumbby Massage Cone
Pelvic Wand/ Pelvic Floor therapy tools
Double Up Roller
Silicone Cupping set
Stretch Out Straps
Hypervolt Precussion Tool
Achedaway Heated Scraper
Naboso Products ( foot and ankle)
Squatty Potty